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Ego Te Absolvo is a show about tenderness, presence, healing, and the parasympathetic nervous system. Ego Te Absolvo offers a sanctuary to visitors to collectively find new ways to integrate ourselves into the environment. Kirstin Mitchell curates an international roster of video and multimedia artists, including: Bjorn Veno (Veno Gard, Norway), Linda Beecroft (Austin, Texas), Meredith Kooi (Anywhere, USA), Tommy Nease (Roslyn, Washington), Maia Evarista Charlotte Ibar (Basque Country, France), Thiago Rocha Pitta (Petropolis, Brasil).
Opening Sat Oct 16, 2021 4-7 PM
Gallery hours are October 17th - December 11th (by appointment only)
photo credit: Linda Beecroft, Spiral Ambience (video still), 2021